Join me here where I talk about the behind the scenes of my upcoming film, The King In Yellow !
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december 12
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november 28, 2021
saw himoctover 30, 2021
i'm out in the forests of middle of nowhere writing this, i've been walking for an hour, but i remembered another strange event i had forgotten. back when i was scouting locations last year there had been a statue on the highline. a man in a yellow hoodie came out from behind it. i know what you're thinking but it was just a man. it was just your average bald dude in a was modern, he was in adidas and jeans!!! it's not what i'm thinking it is, but something was strange all the same...
October 26, 2021
October 25, 2021
Been a bit tired the last few days, haven't slept much from all the excitement of course, but we have now entered the preproduction phase of our second segment of the film: "The Mask". Actors will be looked for, crews will be gathered, and locations will be rented. It's gonna be great!
October 23, 2021
videoSo, having never found out who that guy was, we finished filming and I returned home… to find my building was flooding! Water was shooting out of the ceiling! It was raining indoors! A pipe had burst or something. Considering the ceiling of the bar film set it was yet another really weird coincidence.
October 22, 2021
We were shooting a chase sequence in Washington Square Park where Hildred is chased by his brother and at one point he stops to yell a line of dialogue in which he name drops Hastur. Now, if you know anything about the Call of Cthulhu role playing game there’s this thing where the more you say that name, the more likely the entity is to show up. So on take five, some random dude joins the chase and starts chasing my Hildred actor. He disappeared into the night so we never found out his deal but…. possible H avatar?? I was taking video with my phone of some of the behind the scenes stuff and I actually have a video of this I’ve posted before on Twitter but I’ll show it again for the thread: twitter
here’s another crazy event actually. This one happened while we were filming the first segment, “The Repairer of Reputations”, the one with Hildred. We filmed a scene at a bar and while filming, no joke, a piece of the ceiling fell down right in front of us! No one got hit, but again, weird
October 20, 2021
October 16, 2021
Shooting went very well, but with the storm that came in, we weren't able to shoot the confrontation in Washington Square Park. We're reworking the shooting schedule to film that scene after the bar scene next week.
October 14, 2021
Shooting is going fantastic so far. Actors are all great. We've got a perfect Hildred and Mister Wilde. They are the best actors i've ever worked with. Today we filmed the initial scenes with the two of them, tomorrow we're bringing in Louis, then we film the outdoor scenes on the 16th
October 10, 2021
Welcome to my King In Yellow blog! Here i'm going to be recording my experiences working on the film set and go into some of the behind the scenes for the movie! Shooting begins in a few days, so you'll be hearing more from me very soon!